

Creates a Buffer that holds the encoded version of the Packet you supplied to the function.
You will use it when you want to send a request/response to the server/client (depends on if you are creating server or a client).


  1. packet A Packet object.


Buffer: A instance of the NodeJS Buffer class that holds the encoded version of the Packet object you supplied as a argument to the function.


import net from 'net';
import { encodePacket, calculatePacketSize } from 'frostbite-rcon-utils';

let packet = {
  sequence: 0,
  isFromServer: false,
  isResponse: false,
  words: ['serverInfo']
packet.size = calculatePacketSize(packet.words);
packet.totalWords = packet.words.length;

 * To reduce the amount of boilerplate code used to create a packet.
 * You can use the built-in function createPacket.
 * createPacket(0, // sequence
 *              false, // isFromServer
 *              false, // isResponse
 *              ['serverInfo'] // words

let encodedPacket = encodePacket(packet);

let client = net.connect(47215, '', () => {